
Showing posts from 2022

Gaming in Learning

The  challenge  for the week, from  Articulate's E-Learning Community , was to create a project that would incorporate a gaming feel into a learning scenario. To be honest, I just had fun with this one. Not quite sure how someone might use this game to learn anything, but it is fun none-the-less.

E-Learning Rock Band

The challenge for the week, from Articulate's E-Learning Community , was to create an E-Learning Rock Band and to produce a project that would share their information. I was inspired by a couple of bands I have been listening to a lot lately. I think I was able to create a pretty cool little interaction.

Mario Quiz

As a child of the '80's, I fall squarely on the cusp of the Millennial generation. This gives me the opportunity to indulge myself from time to time by bringing back themes and characters I grew up with to inspire my creativity. In this quiz example, I was able to utilize a little bit of a video gaming mentality. The thing I like most about this quiz is that you can lose; not get a bad score...lose outright. Game Over. I feel this necessitates a little more buy in from the learner as there is actually something at stake. Plus, who doesn't love Mario? Mario is a classic!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Menu

To date, this is my favorite project. I have a soft spot in my heart for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I remember the footie pajamas so well. However, the thing that I think is cool about this project is that it can branch off into any one of four different learning paths, based on the character you choose to align with. This means that if you are more interested in graphs, charts and data, there is a learning path for that. But if you like learning through games, there is a learning path for that as well. This is just a demo of the beginning menu where you would choose your character, as I had no information to build an entire module/course out of, but I feel it shows how it could work. I hope it comes across as fun as it was to build it. (Check out the glossary as well, I had some help from a real life ninja. NO JOKE!!)

Sound Board

This is a demo of a project created to act as a sound board. I used drums because, as a percussionist, I am very familiar with the sounds and creation of said sounds. This one is fun to play with.

Magic 8 Ball

This interaction was inspired by a nostalgia for my childhood. I wanted to create a Storyline version of my old Magic 8 Ball. To do this the proper way, I had to incorporate a trigger for a random number generator that would then determine which outcome I ended up seeing. This makes it 100% random. The same as the actual toy itself...some might say more so.

Indianapolis Interactive Map

This is an interactive map/tour of the city of Indianapolis. There are very cool tools in Storyline that help create an "exploration" feel while also providing the information desired. This helps break the monotony of a linear course or module.

Grammar Quiz Demo

This project is a super short demo for a grammar quiz. There is really nothing too flashy here; just some sounds incorporated to give a more "game show" feel. Something small to enhance an otherwise boring standard quiz. The responses and feedback are all custom built in Storyline as opposed to using the standard quiz slides provided in the program.

Before and After Demo

The idea here  was to create a project that would act as a learning tool utilizing the concept of a "spot the difference" type game. So, not only should it be interactive and stimulating, but it could also then explain why changes were made, what benefits the changes provide and so forth.