Teenage Mutant Ninja Menu

To date, this is my favorite project. I have a soft spot in my heart for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I remember the footie pajamas so well. However, the thing that I think is cool about this project is that it can branch off into any one of four different learning paths, based on the character you choose to align with. This means that if you are more interested in graphs, charts and data, there is a learning path for that. But if you like learning through games, there is a learning path for that as well. This is just a demo of the beginning menu where you would choose your character, as I had no information to build an entire module/course out of, but I feel it shows how it could work. I hope it comes across as fun as it was to build it. (Check out the glossary as well, I had some help from a real life ninja. NO JOKE!!)


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